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Step 1: Add the KnowledgeOwl SP info to your IdP

Generally speaking, when adding an SP to your IdP, there are four pieces of information that you need about the SP.

  1. SP Entity ID
  2. SP Login URL — sometimes referred to as a "sign on URL"
  3. SP Logout URL — some systems do not ask for this
    All three of these fields can be found in your knowledge base in Settings > SSO in the SAML Settings tab:
    Screenshot of the SP Entity ID, SP Login URL, and SP Logout URL fields from the Settings > SSO page in KnowledgeOwl.
    Sample SP entity ID and login/logout URLs
  4. Name ID Format — some systems do not ask for this. If yours needs it, you should set it to "Unspecified" or, if you need the long version: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified"